Eye Exam

Ramirez & Poulos M.D.; P.A.

Ophthalmologists & Medical Specialists located in Orlando, FL & Kissimmee, FL

Did you know that many eye exams are covered under your medical insurance? Doctor  Barrios also accept VSP vision insurance for healthy routine eye exams. 

Eye exams are among the best things you can do for your health. At Ramirez & Poulos, MD, PA, in Orlando and Kissimmee, Florida, the team performs thorough eye exams to detect vision problems and catch conditions like glaucoma and cataracts before they become urgent concerns. 

Eye Exam Q & A

Why do I need to get regular eye exams?

You might not think of going to an eye doctor if you don’t wear glasses or haven’t experienced any changes in your vision. But eye exams involve more than just prescriptions for glasses and contact lenses. They’re also the best way to detect issues with your eye health as early as possible.

An eye exam is the best way to determine if you have serious conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, or diabetic retinopathy. There’s usually no way to tell if you have these diseases in their early stages. Often, your eye health is a sign of your overall health, and conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can put you at higher risk of developing eye conditions.

In many cases, by the time eye diseases cause noticeable symptoms, they’ve already damaged your vision, often permanently. An eye exam detects these problems early, while they’re still easily manageable and treatable, so you can save your vision.

What happens during an eye exam?

Eye exams include a series of tests to evaluate your vision and eye health. They usually last at least an hour. Your exam can include:

Eye muscle test

You follow a small object, such as a pen, across the room to test your eye muscles.

Visual acuity test

You look at letters on a chart or screen that get smaller as they go down. This measures how clearly you can see. This test determines if you have 20/20 vision or how far your vision is from 20/20.

Refraction assessment

You look through a device called a phoropter, which contains lenses of different strengths. This determines how strong a prescription lens you need to treat refractive errors like nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.

Glaucoma test

Your doctor uses a device to measure the level of pressure in your eyes, an important risk factor for glaucoma.

Pupil dilation

Your doctor gives you eye drops that enlarge your pupils so he can see the structures in the back of your retina.

How do I prepare for an eye exam?

To help your doctor, prepare information about your eye health and overall health, including:

  • Any current or past eye problems
  • Your family’s history of eye disease
  • Any medical conditions you have
  • A list of medications and supplements you take

Expect your pupils to be enlarged for a few hours after your exam. You might have trouble reading because the text appears blurry and you might be more sensitive to light than usual. Be sure to bring sunglasses to wear outside, and arrange for a ride home.

Schedule your eye exam at Ramirez & Poulos, MD, PA, today by calling the office.